Corporate Information


Company Name Japan Lifeline Co., Ltd.
Established February 6, 1981
Address Tennoz Ocean Square. 25F, 2-2-20, Higashishinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140-0002 Japan
Phone Number 03-6711-5200
Company Representative President and CEO Keisuke Suzuki
Paid-in Capital 2,115,241,600 yen
Accounting Closing Date March 31
Main Business Import, development, production, and distribution of medical devices
Consolidated Subsidiary JLL Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
Employees Consolidated: 1,216 Non-Consolidated: 953 (as of March 31, 2024)
Locations 48 Sales Offices
Haneda Logistics Center (Warehouse & Logistics Management)
Kansai Logistics Center (Warehouse & Logistics Management)
Research & Development Department
Toda Factory (Manufacturing)
Oyama Factory (Inspectionm, Packing, Sterilization, Packaging)
Ichihara Factory (Manfacturing)
TENNNOZ ACCADEMIA (Education Center)

(as of March 31, 2024)

Stock Exchange Listing Tokyo Stock Exchange, Prime

Board of Directors


President and CEO Keisuke Suzuki

Keisuke Suzuki
President and CEO

Feb. 1981Vice President of the Company
Apr. 1987Senior Executive Vice President
Nov. 1992Retired from Vice President
Jan. 1994Consultant
June 1997Senior Executive Vice President
June 2005President and CEO (to the present)
Senior Executive Vice President and COO Atsuhiro Suzuki

Atsuhiro Suzuki
Senior Executive Vice President and COO

Sept. 1984Joined the Company
Jan. 1992Senior Sales Branch Manager of Tokai Branch
Apr. 2000Deputy Executive Manager of Sales Headquarters
June 2005Vice President and Executive Manager of Sales Headquarters
Apr. 2007Vice President and Executive Manager of Business Headquarters
June 2007Senior Vice President and Executive Manager of Business Headquarters
June 2011Executive Vice President and Executive Manager of Business Headquarters
June 2013Senior Executive Vice President and Executive Manager of Business Headquarters
Apr. 2015Senior Executive Vice President
June 2015Senior Executive Vice President & COO (to the present)
Vice President Tatsuya Murase

Tatsuya Murase
Senior Vice President
Executive Manager of General Business Headquarters

Oct. 2009Joined the Company
Apr. 2015General Manager of EG Business Promotion Department, CVE Department
Apr. 2016General Manager of AST Department
Apr. 2018General Manager of CVE Department
July 2020Operating Officer and General Manager of CVE Department
Apr. 2022Senior Operating Officer and Executive Manager of CVG Business Unit
June 2022Vice President and Executive Manager of CVG Business Unit
Jan. 2024Senior Vice President and Executive Manager of General Business Headquarters (to the present)
Senior Vice President Kenji Yamada

Kenji Yamada
Senior Vice President
Executive Manager of Corporate Administration Headquarters

May 1998Joined the Company
Apr. 2011General Manager of Corporate Administration Division
July 2013Operating Officer and General Manager of Corporate Administration Division
Apr. 2014Operating Officer and Deputy Executive Manager of Corporate Administration Headquarters
Apr. 2015Operating Officer and Executive Manager of Corporate Administration Headquarters
June 2015Vice President and Executive Manager of Corporate Administration Headquarters
July 2017Vice President and Executive Manager of R&D and Manufacturing Headquarters
Aug. 2017Managing Director of JLL Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
July 2020Senior Vice President and Executive Manager of Corporate Administration Headquarters (to the present)
Vice President Toru Takamiya

Toru Takamiya
Vice President
Executive Manager of R&D and Manufacturing Headquarters

Aug. 2006Joined the Company
Apr. 2009General Manager of SHT Division, TVI Department
Apr. 2011General Manager of EST Department
Apr. 2012General Manager of CVE Department
July 2013Operating Officer and General Manager of CVE Department
Apr. 2014Operating Officer and General Manager of Cardiovascular Business Department
Apr. 2015 Operating Officer and Executive Manager of CV Business Unit
June 2017 Vice President and Executive Manager of CV Business Unit
Apr. 2021Vice President and Executive Manager of CVG Business Unit
Apr. 2022Vice President and Executive Manager of R&D and Manufacturing Headquarters (to the present)
Managing Director of JLL Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (to the present)
Vice President Tadashi Idei

Tadashi Idei
Vice President
Executive Manager of Regulatory Affairs Headquarters

Oct. 2009Joined the Company
Apr. 2011General Manager of Regulatory Affairs Division
Apr. 2013General Manager of Regulatory Affairs General Management Department
July 2013Operating Officer and General Manager of Regulatory Affairs General Management Department
Apr. 2015Operating Officer and Executive Manager of Regulatory Affairs Headquarters
June 2017Vice President and Executive Manager of Regulatory Affairs Headquarters (to the present)
Vice President Yumiko Hoshiba

Yumiko Hoshiba
Vice President
Senior Manager of General Affairs Department

Apr. 1992Joined the Company
Apr. 2008General Manager of Administration Division
Apr. 2011General Manager of General Affairs Division
July 2014Operating Officer and General Manager of General Affairs Division
Apr. 2015Operating Officer and Senior Manager of General Affairs Department
Apr. 2018Operating Officer and Senior Manager of Human Resources & General Affairs Department
June 2018Vice President and Senior Manager of Human Resources & General Affairs Department
Apr. 2024Vice President and Senior Manager of General Affairs Department (to the present)
Vice President Takeyoshi Egawa

Takeyoshi Egawa
Vice President
Senior Manager of Business Administration Department

May 2018Joined the Company
Apr. 2019General Manager of Finance and Accounting Division
Apr. 2022Operating Officer and Senior Manager of Business Administration Department
Apr. 2023Senior Operating Officer and Senior Manager of Business Administration Department
June 2023Vice President and Senior Manager of Business Administration Department (to the present)
Vice President Takashi Ito

Takashi Ito
Vice President
Executive Manager of Arrhythmia Business Unit

Apr. 1993Joined the Company
Apr. 2015General Manager of CRM Business Promotion Department
Apr. 2018General Manager of CRM Department
July 2020Operating Officer and General Manager of CRM Department
Apr. 2022Operating Officer and General Manager of Decive Business Department
Jan. 2024Senior Operating Office and Executive Manager of Arrythmia Business Unit
June 2024Vice President and Executive Manager of Arrythmia Business Unit (to the present)
External Director Fumihiro Sasaki

Fumihiro Sasaki
Outside Director

Apr. 1981Joined Japan Recruit Center (currently, Recruit Co., Ltd.)
Apr. 2001Corporate Executive Officer of Recruit Co., Ltd.
Apr. 2011Advisor
Apr. 2012President and Representative Director of XYMAX ACCOUNTING PARTNER Corporation (currently, XYMAX WITH Corporation)
June 2012Outside Director of the Company (to the present)
July 2012Representative Director and Chief Executive Officer of Abilitas Hospitality Co., Ltd.
Oct. 2015President and Representative Director of XYMAX HOTELS Corporation (currently, KARAKSA HOTELS Corporation)
Apr. 2017Executive Managing Officer of XYMAX Corporation
President and Representative Director of XYMAX FELLOW Corporation (currently, XYMAX TRUST Corporation)
President and Representative Director of XYMAX SQUARE Corporation
Representative Director of XYMAX VILLAGE Corporation
Nov. 2021Senior Executive Managing Officer of XYMAX Corporation
External Director Yoshiaki Ikei

Yoshiaki Ikei
Outside Director

Apr. 1981Joined Mitsubishi Corporation
Apr. 1999Executive Officer and General Manager of Corporate Strategy Department of AUCNET INC.
Oct. 2001Managing Executive Officer and General Manager of Osaka Branch of RECOF Corporation
Nov. 2007Representative Director of MA Partners Inc. (to the present)
July 2012Senior Managing Director of STREX Inc.
June 2017Outside Director of the Company (to the present)
Outside Director Naoko Kawahara

Naoko Kawahara
Outside Director

Dec. 2010Registered as an attorney-at-law
Joined Tokyo Green Law Office
Oct. 2021Part-time auditor, Kodaira-chemical Co,Ltd (to the present)
June 2024Outside Director (to the present)
Directors (Audit and Supervisory Committee Members)
Vice President (Full-time Audit and Supervisory Committee Member) Shogo Takahashi

Shogo Takahashi
Vice President
(Full-time Audit and Supervisory Committee Member)

Dec. 1994Joined the Company
Apr. 2009General Manager of Legal Affairs Office
Mar. 2010General Manager of Legal Affairs Office and General Manager of R&D and Manufacturing Division
Apr. 2011Executive Manager of R&D and Manufacturing Headquarters
June 2011Vice President and Executive Manager of R&D and Manufacturing Headquarters
June 2013Senior Vice President and Executive Manager of R&D and Manufacturing Headquarters of the Company
July 2017Senior Vice President and Executive Manager of Corporate Administration Headquarters
July 2020Senior Vice President and Executive Manager of R&D and Manufacturing Headquarters
Managing Director of JLL Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
Apr. 2022Senior Vice President in charge of R&D and Manufacturing Headquarters of the Company
June 2022Vice President (Full-time Audit and Supervisory Committee Member) (to the present)
External Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member) Masahiko Nakamura

Masahiko Nakamura
Outside Director
(Audit and Supervisory Committee Member)

Apr. 1992Registered as an attorney-at-law
Joined TMI Associates
Oct. 1999Joined Simmons & Simmons LLP
Apr. 2001Partner of TMI Associates (to the present)
June 2002Outside Auditor, Sunplanet Co., Ltd. (to the present)
June 2012Outside Corporate Auditor of the Company
May 2015Auditor of Japan Merchandising Rights Association (to the present)
June 2021Outside Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member) (to the present)
External Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member) Daizo Asari

Daizo Asari
Outside Director
(Audit and Supervisory Committee Member)

Aug. 1987Joined O-HARA Gakuen O-HARA Bookkeeping School Incorporated Educational Institution
Sept. 1990Joined Ishiwatari, Nishimura, Nakane Joint Office (currently, Moore Shisei Tax Corporation)
Dec. 1992Registered as a certified tax accountant
Nov. 1993Joined Hiroshi Asari Certified Public Tax Accountant Office
July 2002Representative Partner of Tax Accountant Corporation Seiwa (to the present)
June 2014Outside Corporate Auditor of the Company
June 2021Outside Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member) (to the present)
External Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member) Yutaka Karigome

Yutaka Karigome

Outside Director
(Audit and Supervisory Committee Member)

Aug. 1987Joined O-HARA Gakuen O-HARA Bookkeeping School Incorporated Educational Institution
Sept. 1990Deputy Director of Shoichiro Migiyama Certified Public Tax Accountant Office (currently, Migiyama Certified Public Tax Accountant Office)
Oct. 1992Registered as a certified tax accountant
June 2003Director of Yutaka Karigome Certified Public Tax Accountant Office
June 2006Outside Corporate Auditor of the Company
July 2015National Tax Tribunal Judge of Kanto-Shinetsu National Tax Tribunal
July 2018Director of Yutaka Karigome Certified Public Tax Accountant Office (to the present)
June 2019External Corporate Auditor of BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. (to the present)
June 2021Outside Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member) of the Company (to the present)
Apr. 2022Professor of Graduate School of Accounting & Finance, Chiba University of Commerce (to the present)

(as of June 26, 2024)

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