Founded in 1981, Japan Lifeline has dedicated itself to delivering the latest and patient-centric medical devices tailored to the needs of frontline physicians. Our mission is to provide cutting-edge technology that not only facilitates a minimally invasive treatment for patients but also addresses the everyday challenges faced in medical practice.
Japan Lifeline operates through a unique hybrid business model that incorporates two schemes: the distribution of medical devices and the manufacturing of proprietary equipment. We are committed to contributing to the global market by providing state-of-the-art global medical technology and developing in-house high quality products.
In recent years, we have broadened our focus from cardiovascular care to include neurovascular and gastrointestinal fields. Our neurovascular business has commenced a long-term exclusive distribution agreement with the Wallaby Phenox Group.
In the gastrointestinal sector, we thrive with a competitive product portfolio supported by the world-class manufacturing expertise that is cultivated in our successful cardiovascular track record.
Our unwavering passion always has been, and will continue to be, enhancing global healthcare by promptly providing top-quality medical devices to support frontline medical professionals, thereby aiding patients and their families in need.
Keisuke Suzuki
President and Chief Executive Officer